Nguyễn Hoàng Kỳ


Dancing has been a part of my life, it is a passion that has followed me since a young age. Dancing is an art for me, I can draw the whole story of my life with gestures and movement freely. I started with dance covers, but when I wanted to dive deeper into dance, I found Vogue and Afro in all of the amazing dance types. Especially, Vogue is a type that I would call my signature, I usually use this for freestyle or whenever I feel like dancing. It allows me to make sharp poses, fluid movements, and runway-inspired, with inspiration from fashion, performances, and self-expression. In addition, my school is not very popular with dance, I’m leading a dance club at school for people who are interested in it. I directed and helped out my team with their performances, and I hope there will be more members who join our club in the next few years and create a good community.


Fashion has been seeking me throughout my life. I want to look good, unique, and clean and it affects my emotions for the day so much. It started with picking out outfits for me and my family to follow any news, fashionista, and trend. I wanted to extend my knowledge in fashion so I decided to create a portfolio. This portfolio has a thoughtful meaning behind it and I spent a significant amount of time coming up with this idea and how I present it perfectly in the collection. This process was an opportunity that helped me to learn more about fashion, from choosing top-tier designs from all of the drafts to making sure that every detail had meaning in it,  to selecting the order for a fluid experience on showing the meaning of this collection. I also learn more about texture, material, and drawing tips to show the best collection I can.



I never felt confident about my singing skills, however, I like to sing and I’m trying my best to improve it. I joined the Academy Singers at my school, I met new people who helped me to learn the notes and how to sing it right. We did 2 concerts a year for winter and spring, and also, 1 at assembly. Being on stage and singing with a team boosted my confidence, it always turns out nice for us, even if I’m not a good singer, but composing with everyone made a wonderful performance.